Jannatul Mawa

Jannatul Mawa turned to professional photography after years of working as social and gender activist. She believes in the medium’s potential to combat discrimination.

Mawaholds an MA in Bengali Literature. Later she completed Graduationfrom Pathshala -South Asian Media Institute of Photography,and joined Pathshala as a Teacher. Mawa began her photographic career with UNICEF.
Mawacovered stories from diverse fields. Her works have been showcased globally in various forums and places, including: Emory University in USA, Drik Gallery, Dhaka Art Summit, Asian Women Photographers’ Showcase, ObscurePhoto Festival, Delhi Photo Festival, Oxford University, Guatephoto2015, Bangladeshi American Creative Collective (BACC), Photoquai 2015 in Paris and ChobiMela International Photo Festival.

Mawa’s work ‘Finding Neverland’ was published in the book 'Under the Banyan Tree' by Pathshala and other workswere published in Le Monde, The Guardian, etc. She received several awards, including: The Daily Star, ACI-Persona, KLPA, Guizhou Festival, UNICEF & PIB awards.